París veta á plantilla estranxeira

A picture taken on November 5, 2008 at the Sochaux factory, central France, shows an employee working on the assembly-line of the French car maker group PSA Peugeot Citroën. The manufacturer announced on November 20, 2008, plans to slash 2,700 jobs as the automobile sector struggled with the global economic crisis. The job cuts could affect assembly-line workers, managers and office staff in all of the firm's plants, a statement from the car company said. AFP PHOTO / JEFF PACHOUD FRANCE-ECONOMY-AUTO-PSA

A prima de dividendos que PSA Peugeot Citroën pactou cos axentes sociais en Francia só favorecerá aos empregados das fábricas galas. Por primeira vez, os traballadores das factorías estranxeiras quedarán excluídos, segundo confirmou a dirección do grupo aos sindicatos europeos nunha reunión celebrada recentemente en París.